19/01/21Chichester Canal Appeal
The Chichester Canal is an important community asset for the city, with the towpath and waterway much appreciated by local people as an accessible and safe place to walk. This has been particularly important during lockdown restrictions when we have needed to make the most of the natural environment for recreation and relaxation. The canal banks, which are the very foundations of the canal, are almost 200 years old, and now need significant work and the Chichester Canal Appeal has been launched to raise money for these works.
The Canal Basin is well-known to Seaward as the home of one our most popular developments and we were very pleased to make a donation towards the Chichester Canal Appeal.

Click here for more details of the appeal.
Swans and Richmond on canal images by Meryn Woodland.
The Canal is also home to the annual Dragon Boat Challenge which sadly couldn’t take place in 2020 but Seaward have also been supporters of this exciting event!