18/06/19Dragon Boat Challenge Report
Seaward were delighted to support the 1st Westbourne and Southbourne Scouts in their entry for this year’s Dragon Boat Race on 9 June and we now have an excellent Dragon Boat Challenge report by two of the participating Scouts.

On Sunday the 9th of June, three local Scout groups and several adult groups from the region including the Chichester firefighters gathered at the Chichester Canal Basin to race in Dragon Boats to support the charity CancerWise. The event started at 10:00 with each group getting a safety briefing (and lifejackets and paddles!) and then the entrants were called up to the pontoon where they would board a dragon boat and race it against one of the other entrants. The three Scout groups were 12th Chichester, 1st Barnham, and us, 1st Westbourne. The Scout groups alone raised over £2000: each Scout group was sponsored £500 for the entry and each individual Scout was also expected to raise £25 themselves.
A large amount of money was generously provided to us by the building company Seaward, which helped with our entry fee. Seaward also provided our group with crew T shirts.
After the heats were complete the groups with the fastest times raced for places on the podium: Chichester beating us by 0.5 seconds, but Barnham beat both of us and claimed first place, also becoming the first Scout group in the history of the event to beat an adult group. Medals were handed out, and the Scout groups departed (us happy but empty-handed). We were exhausted, but the entire experience had been brilliant fun.
The decision has already been made to attend next year, and perhaps next time Westbourne can earn a place on the podium…
Westbourne Scouts group meets in Westbourne on Fridays between 19.00hrs and 21.00hrs
On the 9th June 2019, 1st Westbourne Scouts gathered at Chichester Canal Basin to take part in the annual Dragon Boat Challenge…
Some months, ago we were told about the Challenge there was a feeling of anticipation and excitement among the Scouts. We were all asked to raise some money to take part in the challenge. The money the Scouts raised was split between two charities: Cancer Wise, a charity which offers support and information to people who are affected by cancer, and The Rotary Club, a locally based charity group. So, the Scouts went away with their sponsor forms and raised some money.
It was the day of the Dragon Boat Challenge, we located the tent dedicated to our group ,1st Westbourne. Once the entire team were in our team T-shirts – kindly provided by our sponsor Seaward Properties – 1st Westbourne Scouts were ready for their first race.
Once in the boat and at the start line, we prepared ourselves and listened for the start of our first race. And we were off we frantically paddled in time with our drummer shouting our chant loudly “Lets sink, lets sink!” we chanted as one. The end was nearing to our first race, but we were behind our competitors 12th Chichester. We all exited the boat we were soaked having been splashed by our fellow Scouts. We returned to our tent and rested our next race was soon; we were told that we were one second behind 12 Chichester, we felt quite pleased. Race 2 came, and I was chosen to be the drummer for this race I felt confident, but the second race was a disaster we worsened our time by 5 seconds. It was disappointing although, after a talk we decided race 3 was going to be the one final race we had our minds set on it. At the start line for the for the last time our heads spinning with new tactics once again we listened intently for the indication to go. We were off! Everybody was paddling powerfully all in time with the drumming, chanting in time. The end was insight we were still behind our competitor, but we felt good about our time after all it was a time trial, we didn’t need to worry about who we are racing.
At last out of the boat we all rushed to the scoreboard desperate to see our time we had improved! Everybody was relieved; however, the other team had beaten us only by half second though. We felt so pleased with ourselves, but we discovered we still came last out of the Scout troops who were there. Oh well we had fun!
And so that concludes the 2019 Dragon Boat Challenge. So in a nutshell, it was a fun filled day full of laughter and happiness. As a group we raised £1,200 for charity. 1st Westbourne Scouts meet every Friday in Westbourne between 19:00 and 21:00.