Seaward Properties attended Winchester City Council’s public exhibition on Part Two of the emerging Local Plan as the promoter of land to the east of Sun Lane – the City Council’s and New Alresford Town Council’s preferred option for future growth in New Alresford.
The Seaward Properties project team were in attendance in order to discuss the Sun Lane site and what can be delivered for the town. Invitations and feedback cards were hand delivered to properties in New Alresford to ensure residents had the opportunity to meet the project team and provide them with comments.
Sean Phillips, Chief Executive of Seaward Properties, commented:
“I would like to take this opportunity to thank those who took the time to come and speak with us about the direction of future growth in New Alresford and the site at Sun Lane. The exhibition was an excellent opportunity for us to understand the views of local residents and we were able to have a number of balanced and constructive conversations.
Winchester City Council’s exhibition outlined the proposed sites to meet the requirement for growth in New Alresford. This requirement includes the delivery of approximately 380 new homes and new employment uses as part of Winchester City Council’s Local Plan Part Two.
He added:
“We recognise that comments have been made about current traffic issues experienced in the Town, so our aim has been to look at how our site can help to improve the existing situation and mitigate pressure created by the inevitable future growth of New Alresford. We believe the key to helping to achieve this is the delivery of an A31 junction to redirect traffic from the Town, particularly taking HGV commercial traffic away from the high street and residential roads. This new junction is something which cannot be delivered by any other development, plus the sustainable location of the site at Sun Lane would enable new housing to be close to existing facilities and shops, as well as the Sun Hill schools.
He concluded:
“We will now carefully review the feedback we have received from the local community and this will help to inform a future masterplan for the site. It was encouraging to see that the Alresford Society and its members have already begun to examine how they would like the site to be developed and what it should deliver for New Alresford. This is a really positive community exercise from the Society and something that can help influence the project team when we reach a point of looking to produce a masterplan for the site.”
Residents who were unable to attend the exhibition can visit the project’s dedicated website (www.sunlane-newalresford.co.uk) where they will have the opportunity to view the information displayed at the exhibition and submit their feedback. If people have further questions they can contact the project’s dedicated freephone information line number on 0800 298 7040.