Last night, 28 October, the BBC launched a second series of The Great Interior Design Challenge with the aim of finding Britain’s best amateur interior designer. With a £1,000 budget contestants are given the task of redesigning three similar rooms in adjacent houses. The judges are Daniel Hopwood, an award-winning architect and interior designer, and Sophie Robinson, ex-editor of BBC Good Homes and an interior stylist. They are joined by presenter Tom Dyckhoff.
The first challenge was to redesign the living room of three adjacent 17th century Cotswold cottages, all owned by members of the same family.
The results were less inspiring than many from the last series with no-one taking any great risks but the homeowners, at least outwardly, expressed satisfaction with the outcomes. The next episode, which screens on BBC2 at 7.00 pm tonight, features three identical beach huts on Canford Cliffs. It will be interesting to see how the amateur designers tackle such small spaces.